How To Make Your Business Website Stand Out From The Rest

improving user experience

There is no doubt that improving user experience can help businesses establish their web profile given the various websites that are operating nowadays. Just one strategy simply does not work anymore given the decreasing attention spans and increased demands for personalization and creativity..

The same can’t be said for a generic, dull, or common design. How can you be sure that your website is not like the rest? Enhance website design as it is the first thing your potential customers will notice.

Here are some suggestions to make your website stand out from the rest:

Web Browser Compatibility

There are several browsers present, and every one of those browsers comes in various versions. Never rely on visitors viewing your website using the latest browser versions or the one you used to test it. A webpage that seems sluggish or wrong on one browser could look fine on another. This isn’t because the website is broken; instead, it might be because one browser is just more compatible or suitable than others.

However, the usefulness and functionality of a website will be compromised if it does not appear correctly to some people. The improving user experience is truly determined by these two elements, which may also have an impact on the page ranking of your website. How can this be avoided? Check the compatibility of the browser, particularly for desktops. Fortunately, there are tools available online to check if a site is compatible with various browsers or not. You should test for popular browsers including Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Firefox.

Trustworthy Web Hosting

You require website hosting in order to do business online. If you are using a third-party company for this, be sure to conduct a thorough study and select a reputable organisation that guarantees you top-notch web hosting. The latter is essential to your site’s success since it may affect how quickly it loads, how continuously it runs, and how well it can fend against cyberattacks.

A web host’s functionality may be impacted if a firm is chosen only on the basis of price. Hasty and ill-considered actions can have devastating results since site hacking is on the rise and because users are growing impatient with slow-loading websites and those that experience frequent outages.


When it comes to ranking websites, the world’s largest search engine, Google, included mobile responsiveness as among the criteria in 2016. Therefore, if your website is not optimised for mobile, it won’t get a high rank for mobile searches. This is significant because internet information is consumed by mobile users far more than by desktop users.

Highlighting the significance of a mobile-friendly website, Internet consumers today are constantly on the move. Your website must be accessible to the people using their mobile devices in order to rank higher regardless of the device types.

Improving user experience of your website on mobile devices, test its mobile responsiveness. A mobile-optimised website will appear properly on all mobiles.  That means the site should seem just as nice on mobile devices as it does on PCs or laptops.

A test for mobile responsiveness will resolve these queries:

  • Is your website mobile-friendly, regardless of display size?
  • Is the material on your website easily readable and easy to understand?
  • Do people find it easy to navigate to your website?

The Google Mobile-Friendly Test Tool is one of the tools available for testing your site’s mobile responsiveness. This tool evaluates web pages for mobile compatibility and displays any concerns with responsiveness.


You get about 15 seconds to capture the attention of your potential customer, because that’s the average time they spent on a website. First impressions are important in business, as they are in life. A bad website can ward customers off and make your company appear amateurish and unprofessional.

Even if you have the most fantastic material, visitors will not give them a second glance. Your website is the ideal blank canvas for showcasing your company and should be designed to wow. Therefore, make sure to choose a suitable design for your website as it will serve as the backdrop for your business.


If you’re wondering how to improve user experience, improve the navigation of your website. Visitors must take the time to learn how to use the website; else, they will give up and leave. Make sure your website is simple to use.

You should give visitors enough information so they understand what you do. Add details about your goods or services, store hours, your company’s address, plus your contact details. Organise the material on the web pages using obvious labels to make it easier for users to browse your website.

Your website should be straightforward but personalised. You need to simplify if readers must sift through large amounts of text and superfluous images to find the page’s actual substance and purpose. Your website shouldn’t be difficult to navigate.

Your website’s navigation shouldn’t be difficult or time-consuming. Visitors could leave and browse other websites if your pages take too long to open. The average amount of time between distractions is eight seconds. However, according to Patriot, a poll revealed nearly 40% of users would abandon a site if page loading took longer than three seconds. Reduce the amount of time it takes for web pages to load on your website to improve it.


You should consider coming up with a catchy domain name to stand out from the other similar websites. Your site’s domain name serves as its URL. It not only increases consumer awareness of your company’s brand but also drives traffic to your website.

When picking a domain name, there are numerous considerations to make. Think about using the same domain name as your company. Customers will find you online more readily as a result of this. Visitors might not consider your business to be credible if your domain name is lengthy. Your website may stand out from the competition with an easy-to-remember, distinctive domain name.

Ensure the name you want isn’t already used by another business by conducting research on them. Your domain name should then be registered and renewed yearly. You won’t have to continually switch the domain name of your website in this manner.

Images and Graphics

Focus on creating a unique visual aesthetic for your website using graphics and/or pictures. After all, websites with large graphics do tend to convert more visitors. People are visual creatures, therefore visual cues may facilitate emotional connections with your audience. Additionally, there are practically unlimited aesthetic alternatives, which makes it simpler to produce a design that seems distinctive.

For instance, to genuinely show potential customers the soul of your brand, take and distribute unconventional headshots rather than simply the traditional kind. If you must use stock photographs, that’s great, but creating your own material will better express the spirit of your business. Play around with animation, have some fun, and show off your amazing photos and movies to the world.

Content is King

Build your website as a go-to resource for quality and informative content. a place where visitors can always discover interesting and factual information on your website. In terms of building a website that outshines all, this one might seem like a no-brainer, but sadly, it frequently gets overlooked.

Making sure a company’s website has regularly updated material is among the most crucial things they can do. This has a number of implications, one of which is the requirement for you to update your website frequently during the month.

In Conclusion,

These are some of the things you need to keep in mind while building your brand online. Always keep your website updated with basic UX principles and keep it relevant to your clients.